
You’re here. Thank You.

I’m an Electrical Engineer with a dozen or so years of industrial computer and network platform building with a whole bunch of other large corporate buzzword worthy text that can go here… However – for now – I’m just using this space to document the devices or gadgets that I’m either testing (for myself or others) and possibly even installing permanently in the home office. 

This might include – Computer Building or dismantling, Home Automation or Smart Home devices, IOT and Sensors as well as some of the main stream voice activated devices. Other items I’ll be checking on and testing are the security, scanning, packet capture and device monitoring for the Home Lab.

For some fine print – to be clear – Posts, words, expressions, likeness to others are all coincidental and created by me, in my mind and are not real nor do they actually exist. Thoughts, Opinions, actions are of complete control of “BusySignal” and neither employers, ex-employers, friends or exfriends or otherwise anyone that might think this is about them – it is – totally never about anyone else.